Permanent Make-up

The Permanent make-up is placed by Karina herself. With more than 20 years of experience with permanent make-up, she ensures a beautiful result that suits you perfectly.

A skin-friendly pigment liquid is applied to the top layer of the skin with an ultra-fine, sterile disposable needle. In this way the lip contour can be corrected, the eye contour is emphasized and the eyebrows can be perfectly redrawn.

By accentuating certain points in the face in a perfect way, an improvement of your natural appearance is obtained. Make-up can easily be applied over your permanent make-up (eg with evening make-up). Forever beautiful !! The big difference with tattooing is that permanent make-up is not really permanent. The pigment does not go deeper than the top layer of the skin and is removed by natural cell renewal. In the meantime, you can shower, swim, … in short, you look impeccable at any time of the day.

How does a treatment proceed ?

  1. First a conversation about some important medical data, which can influence the treatment.
  2. Apply anesthetic cream, which is absorbed for about 10 minutes.
  3. While the anesthetic takes effect, we choose the appropriate color and shape together and the instructions for the after-treatment are discussed.
  4. After removing the cream, the final pigmentation can begin.
  5. After the treatment, a nourishing cream is applied, which you should apply for another 5 days.
  6. A new appointment is also made for a free follow-up treatment 3 to 4 weeks after the treatment.

Questions or make an appointment?

Phone: +32 (0)14 / 54 24 53