Marc Inbane - L'été Promo
Our Tanning Spray is easy to apply yourself, dries quickly and does not give unwanted stains and streaks. The ingenious spray system ensures fantastic atomization of the product and optimum coverage. The natural and summer complexion lasts an average of five days.
How to use:
Use Natural Tanning Spray & Glove: Apply the Spray directly to the Glove; in this way none of your valuable product is lost. Spray the Spray evenly and closely over the entire surface of the glove. Then rub the skin with smooth movements for a perfect result.
Tip: Use MARC INBANE's black exfoliator and/or Exfoliating Mitt prior to tanning. Scrubbing removes impurities & neutralizes the skin, which leads to a more even result and a longer preservation of your complexion!